
Friday, November 30, 2012

Orange Mocha Meringue Tarts

Orange Mocha Meringue Tarts, by Angie

Orange Mocha Meringue Tarts

This is one of my all time favorite flavor combinations - Chocolate, Orange & Coffee!  And it is perfect for the holidays!

This recipe is my own creation except for the melted chocolate layer - that is my mom's genius idea (thanks mom!).


Printable Recipe
Cocoa Crust
2 1/3 cups flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt (only if you are using unsalted butter)
4 to 5 tablespoons water (with 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract)
1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon butter
1/3 cup lard (if you don't want to use lard then just use 2/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon butter)
1/4 cup chocolate chips (for melting later)

Stir together (or sift) the flour, cocoa, sugar & salt.  Now with a pie cutter or fork - cut the lard & butter into the dry ingredients until it resembles a crumb topping.  Add 1 tablespoon of water at a time until it is a smooth dough (sometimes 4 tablespoons of water will suffice & other times I need the full 5 tablespoons).  Now on a lightly floured surface - roll out the dough & cut into 12 tarts (click Fancy Tart Pan for a unique idea).  This should be almost exact amount of dough for 12 tarts.  Prick each tart bottom with a fork to prevent any bubbles.  Bake in a preheated 475 degree oven for 7 to 8 minutes.  Remove from oven & allow to cool completely.  Melt the chocolate & spread a thin layer on the inside of the cooled tarts (see picture above).  Place in the fridge until you have completed the filling & to allow the chocolate to harden.
Click to see Making Pie Crust

IMPORTANT!  The filling recipe was enough for 24 tarts - so you must make the above crust twice to bake 24 tarts - do not double the recipe - make it twice instead.  HOWEVER - the tart pan that you are using might not be the same size as the one that I used - trial & error will have to be used in this situation.


Orange Mocha Meringue Tarts, by Angie Ouellette-Tower for

Orange Filling
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/3 heaping cup of cornstarch
1 1/2 cups water
3 egg yolks (save the whites for the meringue)
3 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon orange rind
1/2 cup orange juice (freshly squeezed) (I used 1 orange & 1 tangerine)
food coloring (optional) (1 drop yellow & 1 drop red)

In a medium sauce pan combine the sugar & cornstarch - now slowly add the water while stirring with a wooden spoon.  Bring to boil over medium heat & boil for 1 minute stirring all the time.  Remove the saucepan from the heat.  In a different bowl - lightly whisk the egg yolks.  IMPORTANT: You will add 1/3 of the hot cornstarch liquid (that you just brought to a boil) into the bowl with the egg yolks (you must stir all the time. This will avoid any stringy cooked egg yolk).  Now you can add this egg yolk mixture into the saucepan with the rest of the hot liquid without worrying about any stringy eggs (again stirring all the time).  Return the saucepan to the heat and boil for 1 minute (stirring).  Remove from heat & immediately stir in the butter, orange rind, orange juice & food coloring (optional) & stir until fully combined - see the second picture above.  Pour about 2 tablespoons worth of orange filling into your tart shells (Remember - the shells have been totally cooled & the thin melted chocolate layer has fully hardened in the fridge) - continue filling until all of your tart shells have been filled.  Now it is time to make the meringue.

Orange Mocha Meringue Tarts, by Angie Ouellette-Tower for

Orange Mocha Meringue Tarts, by Angie Ouellette-Tower for Orange Mocha Meringue Tarts, by Angie Ouellette-Tower for

3 egg whites (saved from above)
6 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons instant coffee

In a mixing bowl & with an electric mixer - whip the egg whites until they start to look a little frothy.  Now add the sugar 1 tablespoon at a time & continue whipping (with the electric mixer) until peaks start to form.  When the egg whites have sharp peaks then add the instant coffee & continue whipping until the peaks stay in place when you stop mixing (see how the meringue just hangs in mid air in the second picture above).    Now spoon the meringue onto the filled tarts trying to have the meringue touch the edge of the crust.  Bake in a preheated 400 degree oven for 8 minutes (or until desired brown color is achieved).  In the first picture above on the left the meringue is unbaked & in the picture on the right - the meringue is nice & brown & baked.

Remove from the oven & cool on a cooling rack. 
You may eat these tarts warm or place in the fridge & eat cold (I prefer them cold).

Orange Mocha Meringue Tarts, by Angie Ouellette-Tower for


  1. Mmm, they look delicious, they're giving me a sweet tooth! Thanks for sharing, this looks fun to try. :)

  2. Those look really good!

    Joining you today from the Etsy blog team. Feel free to visit my blog here:

  3. oh my goodeness. yes. love.

    Aloha Sweet Friend,
    We are gathering for An Aloha Affair , a sweet sort of mingling and sharing and growing together. I would so love it if you'd join us. You will always be welcome, anytime. Save ya a seat?...


  4. These look delightful. I am not terribly creative in the kitchen. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I just got a Kitchenaid this would be a fun way to get started!

  5. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower :) You so sweet! Looking forward to trying some of your recipes!!!


  6. I never seen anything like this before. This looks delicious!
    Thanks for visiting my blog:
    New Follower!

  7. These look great! Following back from the Weekend Blog Hop. Thanks for joining us this week!


  8. Oh wow these look so yummy!

    Popping over from the blog hop

  9. Orange and mocha together sound heavenly. Thank you for sharing this recipe on foodie friday.

  10. YUM! These tarts sound so delicious! I really like the combo of orange, chocolate, and coffee so I'll have to give these a go.

    Thanks for posting to Sweet Saturday!

    PS - I'm following you now. Thanks for following my blog!

  11. Following you on NetworkedBlogs from Heavenly Treats hop!

  12. YUMMY! I want this right now!Thanks so much for linking up to Heavenly Treats Sunday!

  13. These look so fancy! I am planning to make a similar combination for part of my Christmas cookies. I found an orange chocolate chip cookie recipe in an old book. Such a good flavor combination.

  14. hey there- thanks for following- im following back and drooling over the coffee meringue top on these tarts! :)
    have a wonderful day angie!

  15. This looks yummy! Maybe I should try making it :)
    Thanks for stopping by to Aloha affair party.

    All the best,

  16. These look delish! I love the little tart pan too.

    Following back from the Sunday Sync!

  17. Oooooo those look scrumptious! And "scrumptious" is not a word I use too often! great job! Thanks for sharing at Sweet Saturday :)

  18. These sound wonderful! Thanks so much for popping over to the Marvelous Monday Blog Hop and leaving some love!

  19. YUM!! I wish I could reach into the computer and eat these up!

  20. These tarts sound so wonderful, Angie! Thank you for sharing at All my Bloggy Friends this week :)

  21. Just found your blog through Sweet Pea Sylvie's blog hop, i'm a new follower :)

  22. holy cow these look good! i love experimenting with new recipes :) - glad i found your blog through the friends to followers hop and excited to be your newest follower (maybe stalker is a more accurate word)!

    p.s. i'd love for you to drop by and say hi when you get a chance!

  23. These looks so good.
    Thanks for sharing with everyone on the Adorned From Above Blog Hop.
    Adorned From Above,
    The Busy Bee's,
    Myrna and Joye.

  24. Hi Angie,
    These tarts are so pretty and they look delicious. Thanks so much for sharing at Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above
    Joye and Myrna @ The Busy Bee's
    Linda @ With A Blast

  25. These look delightful! Thank you for sharing!


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