
Saturday, March 23, 2013

GFC Freakout Is Over - Loving Bloglovin

I have to admit, when I heard that GFC (Google Friend Connect) will be shut down this summer - I freaked out!  A few of my Blogging friends told me about "Bloglovin" and now I feel much better.  If you don't already have a Bloglovin account - please open one!!  I would hate to lose touch will all of the wonderful Bloggers out there just because of GFC disappearing.

Please follow me on Bloglovin by clicking the button below:

I also included the traditional follow button below (both will work):

Follow on Bloglovin

Thank you and I hope to see you in the bloglovin world!!!

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Day_zpsb50f87c9.jpg


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  1. i already fllow you on bloglovin :)
    do you want to follow me back? ;)

    visit my blog ^^

    1. Thanks so much - I'm already following you also! Thankfully bloglovin allowed me to merge all of the people that I was following on GFC over to bloglovin. I just added you on google+

  2. I see that a lot of bloggers are moving to Bloglovin' I am following you on Feedly Reader, which is a great source to congregate all the different kinds of blogs. I'm still figuring out some parts of it and hopefully they'll soon have a followers widget.

    1. I'll have to check that out - I've never heard of that one before - Thanks!

  3. My understanding is that the blogger dashboard will not go away (I hope that's right), so I'm counting on still being able to read blogs through the reader on the dashboard. Fingers crossed.

    1. I hope that's right also - but I had such a frustrating time researching because I found just as many people saying that GFC will be gone as people saying that only Reader will be gone. I don't know but I'm going to do this "bloglovin" thing just to be safe.
      Thanks so much - my fingers & toes are crossed! (hahaha)

  4. A lovely blog.

    Thank you for dropping by and leaving kind words : )

  5. Came by to add you to my bloglovin list, because I didn't import my blogs. GFC isn't shutting down, just Google Reader (they're different). And, like Sweet Posy mentioned, I also believe that the blogger dashboard will remain intact. =0) Still...Just to be safe, I'm adding lots to bloglovin.


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.