
Monday, April 22, 2013

Circus "AcroSQUIRREL"

Squirrel by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 003_zps065a7557.jpg

Circus "AcroSQUIRREL"

Yes, instead of an Acrobat this is an "AcroSQUIRREL"!  During the growing season Squirrels are my worst enemy since they destroy my garden especially when they shred away and waste the flesh of peaches and apricots just to eat the pit.  However, I have to admit that they are extremely clever and even cute.

Just recently I was entertained by the death defying performance and extraordinary feats of flying through the air with ease by this Circus AcroSQUIRREL.

I wasn't quick enough with my camera to get a picture of him climbing up that skinny pole but you can just imagine how that alone was an accomplishment.

Step 1 - Steady yourself with a firm foothold
Squirrel by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 004_zps4f1167d4.jpg

Step 2 - Grab a few sunflower seeds and hold them in your mouth
Squirrel by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 005_zps5cec4c9c.jpg

Step 3 - Hang around and eat those sunflower seeds
Squirrel by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 006_zps190989cd.jpg

Step 4 - Repeat and ENJOY!
 photo 63424c4d-9882-4623-9adc-71404d52e9ea_zpsbedf4df0.jpg

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Day_zpsb50f87c9.jpg


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  1. Hi! I'd like to invite you to contribute dessert recipes to my Multi-Bloggers Board: Desserts! If you might be interested, please check out this post which I just published on my blog!

    Thanks!! Hope to hear from you soon!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
    Exercise Encouragement Group Blog

    P.S. Oh my word!! How funny!!! I miss seeing animals in the back yard. I'm so ready to move out of the apartment season of our lives! lol.

  2. Oh, my word! Look at that silly thing! How funny! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. Thanks - totally funny - I just wish that I had been quick enough to get pictures of him climbing up the pole.

  3. So glad you joined us at our Let's Get Social Sunday party :-) Thank you!

    With A Blast

  4. Ha!! That is so funny!!! We have squirrels like that as well..and some plant killing bunnies. The worst part is they are just so darn cute! :)

    Hope you have a GREAT Monday!

    Thanks so much for stopping by on Saturday's blog hop. :)


  5. Ahahaha. Wow! So much for squirrel proof feeders!


  6. Linking up with Meet & Greet blog hop. Oh man I think this squirrel lives in my neighborhood too, maybe it's his cousin.

  7. Oh my word, this is so stinking adorable! :-)

  8. Squirrels are crazy acrobats sometimes! =0)

  9. They're very determined little critters, aren't they! Loved the photos. :-)

  10. This post is just great! I love squirrels, but we don't have them around here!
    I also like your blog, great receipes and garden tips; I also have a garden, but is only 3 yrs old :)
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog, I am following you now, too!
    See you around!

  11. I am amazed you got htose shots! Thanks for sharing this bit of annoying hilarity on the Photo Friday Blog hop- have a squirrel free weekend :)

  12. That squirrel deserves every seed, those creatures have some amazing skills:) Thanks for sharing your photos, they are a great catch!

  13. The squirrel is adorable ! I have to admit I don't know anything about them as I have only seen one or two in SA and that was more in the rural areas, but they sure are cute :-) Thank you for sharing at our ALL MY BLOGGY FRIENDS party !

    With A Blast


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