
Monday, November 18, 2013

Cosmic Purple Carrot

Cosmic Purple Carrot by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 002_zpsc0da1b42.jpg
Cosmic Purple Carrot

Every year I grow at least one different & unique veggie - this year it was this funky carrot.  It really is purple!!  Kind of a reddish purple but purple non the less.

When you cut into this carrot it is the normal bright orange color inside (see picture below) - how totally cool!!  It looks like I painted it but I just planted the seeds - God did all of the painting.
Cosmic Purple Carrot by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 004_zps4f257493.jpg
The flavor of this carrot variety is not as sweet and tasty as the plain old orange carrot but it was fun to grow just this once!
Thanksgiving Signature, for


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  1. I've grown purple carrots before. It looks funny doesn't it, when you are used to orange, but it is cool nonetheless!

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

  2. I've never seen a purple carrot! That's so cool! And they're still so bright orange on the inside. Really fun. =0)

  3. I never saw a purple carrot before. It looks cool!

  4. I have never seen a purple carrot! That is awesome. Thanks for sharing! :)


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