
Friday, December 6, 2013

Olson Family Date Nut Bread

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Olson Family Date Nut Bread
I had never had Date Nut Bread until I married my husband - this recipe is actually from my mother-in-law's Swedish side of her family (she is the top left girl in the picture below) (and YES I have her permission to share this recipe with you all).
Did you know that this fruit - "Date" comes from a special Palm Tree that is native to North Africa & the Middle East? - I never knew that.  Dates are good for us - they are full of minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese & copper.  They also contain "Zea-xanthin" which is said to help prevent Macular Degeneration.  Dates are rich in dietary fiber and are full of antioxidants!  (again - I'm not a doctor - please see my "disclaimer" at the bottom of this post)

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Click for Printable Recipe

1/2 cup butter (softened)
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
2 cups chopped dried dates
2 cups boiling water
2 teaspoons Baking Soda
2 teaspoons Baking Powder
3 cups flour
pinch of salt
1 cup walnuts (chopped)
In a medium bowl combine the dates, baking soda & boiling water - set aside until later (make sure that you do this step first) (see picture below).  Prepare ingredients as listed above (chopping dates & nuts etc).  With an electric mixer - cream the butter & sugar until fluffy (a few minutes), then add the eggs & beat until combined.    

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With a wooden spoon stir the flour, baking powder & pinch of salt into the butter mixture - stir until combined  (it will look like the picture below).

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Now stir in the date/water mixture from the first step.  Finally stir in the nuts.  Spray or butter 1 Extra Large Loaf Pan or 2 Small Loaf Pans.  Pour the batter into the pans (split evenly if you are using 2 small pans). 

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Bake in a preheated 325 degree oven for 1+hour (or until toothpick inserted comes out clean).  NOTE:  The time will vary depending on whether you are using 2 pans or 1 large pan - you will need more baking time for a large loaf - just keep checking your bread). 

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Cool completely on a wire rack before turning the loaf upside down to release the bread (always take a dull knife around the edges before inverting the pan).

Slice, serve & ENJOY! 

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(Checkout this month's wonderful Sponsor!) 
Cynthia from "ShorelineDesigned"
Handmade one-of-a-kind jewelry & beads made from beautiful beach stones from the Great Lakes Shoreline.
Travel along the shoreline with Cynthia
(Please click on the ad above to view her shop)


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.