
Saturday, December 20, 2014

365 Days of Being THANKFUL - DAY#24

by AngieOuelletteTower for photo Thankful_zpsd6bc7c2d.jpg
A few weeks ago I decided that I would start a new series on this blog called: "365 Days of Being THANKFUL".  The more I thought about it the more I felt led by God but then at the same time I started wondering if I would be able to do this for a whole year!  One month of being thankful is measurable let alone hundreds of days!
So, I'm now in the fourth week of my challenge - I must be able to find something each day that I am thankful for since I am so blessed.
by AngieOuelletteTower for photo ThankfulWinter_zps61d714fa.jpg
DAY#24 - Today I am thankful for the beautiful sparkling decorations & lights in my community

by AngieOuelletteTower for photo ThankfulWinter_zps61d714fa.jpg

click to read:


  1. I LOVE this! I think that being thankful is something we all should be, and probably are, but to daily consider what that day's blessings are and to thank God. Not only will we become closer to God, but also become more aware of all the wonderful things that are part of our daily lives. We so often focus on the negative. This would help us reset our mindset. I take up the challenge. I will be starting late, so I will set my start day as January 1. My first day, I will dedicate my thanks to you. For reminding me of the importance of giving thanks.

    1. Cool!! I'll have to remember to checkout what you are thankful for starting in 2015.
      Merry Christmas!


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.