
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A Christmas Forest Prize - #HolidayGiftGuide100Bloggers

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 2014-11-27_zps86a79299.jpg

A Christmas Forest Prize - #HolidayGiftGuide100Blogers

A few weeks ago I won a fresh wreath from and it arrived!!  I wanted to share with you how impressed I am with this company.  It's just amazing how fresh this wreath actually is (& it came all the way from Washington state to Michigan!) - it's like they just snipped the branches off the tree - there was no brittle needles falling off as I pulled the wreath from it's package.  Instead I was greeted with a fresh pine forest aroma that no candle could ever replicate.

My wreath prize is the focal point of my exterior Christmas Decorations.
Thank you Christmas Forest and thank you Tia from #HolidayGiftGuide100Bloggers

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 005_zps7786a764.jpg

Click the button below to enter the Great Giveaways going on now!!:
God’s Growing Garden Giveaways


  1. This wreath is beautiful. I appreciate the feedback on this company because I was thinking of ordering a fresh wreath


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