
Friday, January 22, 2016

Chocolate Orange Lindt Lava Cake

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Chocolate Orange Lindt Lava Cake

If you have been a follower of this blog for any amount of time then you will most likely know that the chocolate and orange combination is one of my most favorite flavor combinations.

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3 eggs
6 orange Lindt Truffles (wrapping removed)
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup cocoa powder (unsweetened)
1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons flour
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon orange rind
1 tablespoon orange juice (freshly squeezed is preferred)
powdered sugar for dusting
(4 ramekins - sprayed or buttered & dusted with flour)

Begin by melting the butter and then once melted, remove from heat and add 2 Lindt truffles - stirring all the time until the truffles melt (It is very IMPORTANT not to burn the chocolate!!!) set aside to cool to lukewarm.  In a large bowl - mix together the milk, eggs & sugar (you may use a whisk but do not whip until frothy).  Now the butter/truffle mixture should be cooled - add that into the egg/sugar mixture & stir until combined.  Add the orange juice & stir.  Now, add in the flour, orange rind & cocoa and stir with a wooden spoon until fully blended.  Pour equal amounts into the Ramekins (which should already have been sprayed).  Now place 1 truffle in the middle of each batter filled ramekin.  Press the truffle down until the batter covers the top of the truffle (see pictures above).
(IMPORTANT NOTE:  The success of this dessert depends on the size of the ramekin - if you are using a wider more shallow ramekin then the truffle will not be covered with cake batter & therefore will not work)

Bake in a preheated 450 degree oven for 9 to 14 minutes (NOTE:  Every oven is different - if you are making this for the first time I would bake 1 Ramekin first & then test to make sure the "lava" is flowing inside.  The perfect time for my oven is 10.5 minutes).  Remove the Ramekins from the oven & place on a cooling rack for at least 15 minutes.  While they are cooling - take a knife and gently run around the edges. 

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After 15 (plus) minutes - invert each Lava Cake on a plate & then dust with powdered sugar. 

Serve immediately & Enjoy A DIVINE DESSERT!
(NOTE - If you allow the cake to cool completely - it will still be delicious but the inner part will harden back to the creamy truffle middle instead of the flowing lava decadence)

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF7610_zpsm9o5qvii.jpg

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  1. I've never been crazy of orange/chocolate, but this looks amazing.

  2. I am so addicted to Lindt truffles! Can't wait to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This looks so good! I've never tried the orange flavor, but I'm sure it's wonderful inside a chocolate cake :)

  4. Oh this cake looks so delicious! My husband loves orange and chocolate together so I think he will love this!

  5. These look delicious. And today, I found a new Lindt store where I live. It opened just a month ago. I'll have to go back to get the orange truffles and try this recipe. Thank you!

  6. Yum, the perfect Valentine's Day dessert! I am pinning this one. Happy New Year, Kippi #kippiathome


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