
Monday, August 8, 2011

gourds, Gourds, GOURDS!

Cannon Ball Gourd

I enjoy growing gourds almost as much as I enjoy being creative with gourds.  I just love the wild and crazy vines - I am never able to guess how far they will grow.  The vines always end up reaching other areas of the garden that I never thought was a possible distance to grow in one season.

The varying shapes and sizes are amazing! - Bottle gourds, cannon ball gourds, apple gourds, egg gourds, miniature gourds, kettle gourds, canteen gourds .........etc........

Examples of some of my creations (please feel free to click on each link): 

Feel free to join the facebook group "Gourdonville": Gourdonville Group

Or checkout the items for sale on "Etsy":  Gourdonville

Egg Gourd

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