
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Christian Camp Songs & Chorus Hymns #25

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 2014-10-25_zpsrapqkqpo-1.jpg

Christian Camp Songs & Chorus Hymns #25

I spent many years in my late teens and early twenties working at Christian Camps.  I even met my husband at a Christian camp.  These wonderful memories of great experiences make Christian camp songs very special to me.

On top of featuring an old hymn each month in what I call "Old Fashioned Sunday Hymn Sing" - I will also be featuring a chorus hymn every month - ENJOY!
Today's featured song is "Fairest Lord Jesus" - Maybe I should have included this song in with my "Old Fashion Hymn Sing" series but since it appears in one of my chorus books I consider it more of a chorus hymn.  Some historians call this song the "Crusader's hymn" and they believe that this was the song sung by German Crusaders.  However, other historians believe that this hymn originated in the Jesuit Order occurring after the crusades.  It is still a beautiful song whatever the truth is behind the history. 

"Thou art fairer than the children of men
Psalm 45:2

I have included a YouTube video of this wonderful hymn (see below the lyrics) - ENJOY!

Fairest Lord Jesus
Crusaders Hymn

1. Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature, O Thou of God and man the Son;  Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor, Thou my soul's glory, joy and crown.

2. Fair are the meadows, Fairer still the woodlands, Robed in the blooming garb of spring;  Jesus is fairer Jesus is purer, Who makes the woeful heart to sing.

3. Fair is the sunshine, Fairer still the moonlight, And all the twinkling starry host;  Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer Than all the angels heaven can boast.

4. Beautiful Savior!  Lord of the nations!  Son of God and Son of Man!  Glory and honor, Praise, adoration, Now and forevermore be Thine!

A special thanks to "bruin4Christ" for sharing this with us on YouTube

Other Camp Songs & Chorus Hymns:
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