
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Becoming a Christian Soldier - FEET FITTED WITH THE GOSPEL OF PEACE

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo SundaySoldierFEET_zpsx1msds8c.jpg

Becoming a Christian Soldier - FEET FITTED WITH THE GOSPEL OF PEACE
 Today we continue learning about "Becoming A Christian Soldier" and learning how to "put on the full armor of God" (Ephesians 6:11) - Now, I have to be very clear - I am NOT talking about becoming a physical soldier and I am NOT saying that you should go out and physically fight (although I appreciate and respect anybody who has served or is serving in our army, navy or air force).  What I'm talking about in this series is on a spiritual level.  If you look at Ephesians, chapter 6 verse 12: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood..." that is the exact point - we are not talking about a physical fight and we are not talking about physical training.  Becoming a Christian soldier is all about our relationship with God;  about our spiritual training and about our spiritual self.

A few weeks ago we learned about who our enemy is and then most recently we learned about the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Click HERE to read INTRODUCTION to this series.
Click HERE to read "4 Ways To STAND"
Click HERE to read "BELT OF TRUTH"
Click HERE to read "SHIELD OF FAITH"
Click HERE to read "PRAYER"

Our God is all powerful, all knowing, He is our Protector and Provider - He would never throw us into a battle without fully equipping us first.  Today we continue learning about the "full armor of God" and specifically "feet fitted with the Gospel of peace." 

It is interesting to me that there is an order to the verses in Ephesians chapter 6 - first we must prepare, train and draw from God's power "after you have done everything" - verse 13 ) and then we must STAND.  It's not all about the preparation, eventually we must "do" or "act" - we must implement what we learned in our training.

Have you ever had any medical problems with your feet?  I have.  My problem stems from an extra sesamoid bone in both of my feet - my Podiatrist said that I was born with it.  Unfortunately, just this tiny extra bone can cause debilitating symptoms.  There is a nerve in that area of the foot and when it becomes inflamed, pain will shoot up my leg to my hip.  When this happens I am unable to walk properly.  In a few extreme cases I even had pain that went all the way up my spine to my neck - all stemming from my feet.  The only thing that has helped me with this problem is orthotics (a thin form that I place in my shoes that fits my feet perfectly) - this prevents that nerve from becoming inflamed.  My feet are now "fitted with readiness".  Without these I cannot peacefully walk anywhere.  
The gospel of peace is the orthotic of our spiritual armor. 

I'm sure that you've all hear the saying "Walk the walk" or "walk the straight & narrow" - both are sayings that have references to Bible verses.  We are to walk in Jesus' footsteps and follow His example, striving to become like Christ both in action and in word.

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo SundaySoldierFEET2_zpslcsihjg0.jpg

Feet were so important during Biblical times.  Besides horse drawn chariots and/or travel by mules/camels the only way to get around was on foot.  So, the reference in the feature Bible verse "feet fitted with readiness" was very valid then, very special attention was paid to the feet.  Also, when we look back in recent history during war time the feet were so important - "trench foot" could ruin a soldier's service.  During WWI, WWII and the Vietnam War "trench foot" was a serious problem and in extreme cases amputation was necessary due to gangrene.  As you can see, taking care of our "feet" is important to any soldier - including a Christian Soldier's spiritual feet.

"Peace" can only come from daily study & meditation of God's Word.  Specifically I am talking about daily Scripture meditation and constant prayer - this is the only way to the kind of peace that will enable us to be "ready" in any situation.

Be sure to draw from God - get your strength from the Gospel of peace before you take any step in life.

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