
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Introducing Week#2 Co-host(s) for the November Chain "Linky" CLIMB

God’s Growing Garden

Please welcome The November Chain "Linky" CLIMB 
week#2 co-hosts: 

Anna from "Cuddlebug Cuties"
(Click on the blog button below)
Cuddlebug Cuties
"I draw and craft as a hobby. It is something that I truly enjoy doing.  I love to draw big eyed adorable art of cutesy and quirky little characters. I am inspired by everything in life; from people to fashion trends. I survey my surroundings with a creative eye and store it in a scrapbook in my mind. There are just so many beautiful things in the world and I want to illustrate them all." Anna's blog is awesome, please check it out!

Cathy from "A Peek Into My Paradise"
(Click on the blog button below)
A Peek Into My Paradise
" I have been married to my best friend and husband for almost 30 years.  I am the blessed mother of two; a daughter and a son who make me proud of them everyday."  Cathy shares recipes, crafts, DIY, photography and lots of other wonderful things.  Go over and take a Peek Into Cathy's Paradise. 
Did you hear? - We have added Giveaways to the CLIMB!! - this first one is a big one - It's called "Cyber Monday Giveaway" - many ways to enter!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

To join in on this month's Chain "Linky" CLIMB (a month long blog hop) - please click HERE
Also, we are looking for more co-hosts - your blog button will appear on both "God's Growing Garden" and "Sew Crafty Angel" for 1 week just for co-hosting!!!!
CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbCo-host_zpseca2ac09.jpg

 photo ClimbSig_zpsdeb81227.jpg

Please checkout this month's wonderful Sponsor!!

"Forsythia For Sale" this amazing online store has 45 acres of 11 different varieties of forsythia bushes!!  And many more shrubs like Boxwood, Hydrangea and Evergreen Shrubs.

Forsythia For Sale
(Please click on the ad above)


  1. Great giveaway! Glad to have connected with all of these amazing ladies! Melissa

  2. I feel myself a fortunate having a chance to enter into the giveaway contest.Best of luck!


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.