
Friday, January 31, 2014

FEBRUARY Chain "Linky" CLIMB and Giveaway!

God’s Growing Garden
It's the month long Networking Blog Hop 
With our fourth CLIMB GIVEAWAY!
Here's how it works - the co-hosts from the previous month's CLIMB will have the opportunity to participate in a Giveaway during the next CLIMB - that gives co-hosts 2 months in a row of blog growing fun!! 
Please enter below -one person will win:

(you must have a PayPal account to enter & be 18 years or older) (this Giveaway is now worldwide - EXCEPT for the "Coffee Cozy" prize.  Due to postage prices - if the winner does not live in the lower 48 of the USA then the "Coffee Cozy" becomes a second place prize)

- $25 PayPal Cash

- 1 Monthly Medium Ad Space on Cuddlebug Cuties
- 1 Ad Space on A Peek Into My Paradise for 60 days
- 1 Ad Space on Serenity You
- 1 Large Ad Space on Sew Crafty Angel
- 1 Month Ad Space on God's Growing Garden
- a beautiful handmade "Coffee Cozy" by Kaitlyn from Three Sisters & Us
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CLIMB Giveaway Rules & Conditions: 
\  as mentioned above - this is open worldwide HOWEVER if you win and are not living in the USA -then due to shipping costs the "Coffee Cozy" will become a second place prize & will be given to somebody living in the lower 48 of the USA
- You MUST have a PayPal account to enter
- This Giveaway is open from January 31st, 2014 until February 28th, 2014
- Winner must respond within 48 hours or a different winner will be chosen
- Giveaway Hosts & Co-hosts can NOT enter this Giveaway!, however - February CLIMB blog hop co-hosts MAY enter this Giveaway (provided they are not also part of the Giveaway)
- correspondence is done through email and the winner's email addresses will only be used to deliver or set-up e-prizes.  Email addresses will NEVER be sold or shared.
- if you have any questions or concerns about this Giveaway please email one of the hosts:

Now onto the CLIMB (blog hop):

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By participating in this blog hop your email address will be added to our CLIMB list & you will be sent an email reminder next month. 

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbLink_zpsf527c076.jpg

Remember - Now if you co-host you will receive a free Weekly Sidebar Ad and your blog button will appear on both Angie's blog & Angel's blog!!

(The Ad will run live a few weeks after you have co-hosted)

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbCo-host_zpseca2ac09.jpg


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Please checkout this month's wonderful Sponsor!!
"Eternal Girl" (Julia) creates jewelry and other gifts specializing in handmade henna inspired designs 

Eternal Girl
(Please click on the ad above)


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.