
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Prayer Warrior #4 - "Prayer & Persistence"

Prayer Warrior by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Copy2ofscan0022-Copy_zpsce552a3e.jpg

Prayer Warrior #4

What is a "Prayer Warrior" you might be asking?  A "Prayer Warrior" is an individual who receives God's provision and protection by asking and listening to God through PRAYER.

  This is the 4th post in a series about true life prayer stories showing proof that prayer works.  The picture above is my great grandmother Dorothea.  The story that I share below is about Dorothea & my grandmother Sophie - this is a true story but the actual "event" occurred before the previous Prayer Proof story that I shared months ago-
Now please read:


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Prayer & Persistent Action 

True story - written by Angie Ouellette-Tower

It was near the end of World War II and Sophie was alone in Oberheit (a.k.a. Ober Oesterreich) Austria caring for her three children: Willy (almost 13), Lydia (11 years old) and Elfie (not quite 2).  They had travelled around so much during the War; starting in Yugoslavia, then to Hungary (Sophie's home country) and now Austria.  Sophie's husband was still down in the city of Vienna but all of the women and children had been evacuated to small villages in the mountains (Oberheit) for safety.  

Communication at that time was almost nonexistent.  Many months before, Sophie had sent word to her parents (Theobald and Dorothea) explaining her move to the mountains.  Her parents were currently in Hungary but were planning on travelling to live with Sophie during this difficult time.  Sophie had no idea if her parents ever received any of her letters and (since she had not received anything from them in return) she had no idea if they sent their travel plans to her.  She had no idea when (or if) she should be expecting them.

Sophie had learned from her mom Dorothea the importance of prayer and in her current situation that was literally all she had.  She prayed day and night that God would guide her and her parents so that they could be reunited.  Prayer was their means of communication - communicating with God but in a way it was also communicating with her mom. 
Thankfully there was a train junction in Oberheit and most of the refugee trains had to pass through Oberheit.  Everyday, without fail, Sophie would wait for the train and then once it had stopped she would rush from boxcar to boxcar.  The train was only there to pick up and drop off "passengers" (I say passengers but this was not a comfy cosy train ride - people were packed in like sardines) so she had a limited time each day for her frantic search.  She would run from boxcar to boxcar calling for her parents and asking everyone she passed if they had seen or heard of anyone named Theobald & Dorothea.  "Mutti!!  Vati!!" (Mom, Dad) She would yell as she ran down the walkway.

Then, as the train left each day she would walk back to her children with that horrible lump in her throat and tears in her eyes.  Even though she felt so alone she never gave up hope and kept on praying.  

Finally, one afternoon she rushed to the train (as she had done everyday for weeks) - she ran back and forth calling for her parents when she received a response!  There they were standing in front of her - Mutti & Vati!   
God answers prayer & we must trust & obey! 


The moral of this true story is that Prayer and persistent action must go hand in hand!
If my grandmother Sophie had not gone to that train everyday then my greatgrandparents (Theo & Dorothea) would not have known to get off that train - they would have kept on going and who knows what would have happened then.
"Pray continually" 1 Thessalonians 5:17

"Seek and you will find"  Matthew 7:7

Pray without ceasing and then do what God wants & go where He guides - Pay attention to His urgings.


Recently on this blog we have been talking about Prayer: 

"The Ultimate Spiritual Weapon" where we learned about the full armor of God (click HERE to view). 

"By Prayer & Petition" where we learned how to pray (click HERE to view).  

"Finding & Understanding God's answers to our prayers"  where we learned different ways to look for God's answers (click HERE to view).

Click on each title below to view more:


If you have a true life story about answered Prayer and would like to share this "Prayer Proof" with us here on this blog then please fill out this form: click HERE 

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Day_zpsb50f87c9.jpg

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