
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

5 Must-Grow Veggies for Home Gardeners #1

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 2012-08-02_zpsrcnezfbf.jpg

5 Must-Grow Veggies for Home Gardeners

Deciding what you are going to plant in your garden can be an overwhelming task especially if you have limited garden space.  Over the next few weeks I will be sharing with you the top 5 veggies that I think are the most important for the Home Gardener to be growing in their garden (I will also be including recipes).

My husband refers to this vegetable as the "Carp of the Garden" because there seem to be thousands (an exaggeration of course) and they sometimes grow to be as large as a this bottom feeding fish.

There are many reasons why this is such an important vegetable to grow in your garden:
- it can be eaten fresh in salads, cooked and/or baked
- zucchini is used both in savory and sweet dishes
- it is easy to grow
- produces almost all season & in large quantities
- it freezes well - and then can be used in winter soups, stews & even smoothies!

There are many different varieties to grow - click HERE to view my 3 favorite zucchini varieties

Also, click HERE to view how to shred & freeze zucchini

Now for the RECIPES - click on each title below to view the entire post & ENJOY!


Ready to be baked for 30 minutes in a preheated 350 degree oven

Zucchini Lasagna

I add plenty of shredded zucchini into my home-canned tomato sauce:

(Please checkout this month's Wonderful Sponsor) 
Angel from "Sew Crafty Angel
has an amazing blog full of delicious recipes, fun blog hops, great giveaways & crafty ideas!!

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  1. I freeze zucchini, too. Just realized I still have a bunch leftover from last summer, so I used a bag in pasta sauce for dinner last night!

  2. I love growing and freezing zucchini. I add to lots of different recipes to add bulk and to make sure my family is eating their veggies.

  3. Yum!! I love anything with zucchini!! We're having a farmers market, pretty soon, so I'll have more of them. Can't wait to try out some of your ideas!

  4. These recipes look delicious! I'm glad to pin them :) Thanks for sharing them all at Together on Tuesdays!!!

  5. Yum-0. We have zuchini. I look forward to using some of these recipes.

  6. LOL...Carp of the garden! That's great!
    Zucchini is so awesome when it starts but by the end of the season it's like "why is it still growing???" I'll probably have too much this year...because I can't tell how many zucchinis and how many pumpkins I have since they all look alike right now. So I'll end up buying more...then have too many! Thanks for the yummy recipes...I'll need them! :-)

    Thanks for linking up with Green Thumb Thursday. I hope to see you back again this week!


  7. Awesome! I just started backyard gardening and I was looking for something else to plant. Is it too late to start the zucchini? Stopping by from The Mommy Monday blog hop.

    1. Congrats on becoming a new "backyard farmer"! & now is a perfect time to plant zucchini from seed - actually I just planted my second patch of zucchini (I like to stagger them so that I will have them all season long). Thanks so much for stopping by & have a wonderful day!

  8. we love zucchini. love to fry it, bake it, put it in with other foods.

  9. I grow all of these & more. Every year I make zucchini bread & home made marinara sauce. I grow lots of fresh herbs & dry them so I can use them thru the fall & winter.

  10. I love zucchini bread. I want to try that Bacon Wrapped Zucchini Strips recipe now too!

  11. These are some great veggies. I can't wait to make some of these recipes. They all sound so good. Thank you so much for sharing

  12. These recipes look delicious! I'm glad to pin them.

  13. I will try these recipes. They looks delicious.


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