
Friday, September 21, 2012

Frank's Flowers - The "Rolly" Rose

Frank's Flowers - The Eiffel Tower Rose
A few months ago I showed you how to Prune & Trim Roses and in that post I promised that I would show you how to start a rose bush from cut roses.......well, I just ran out of time this year. I do apologize - but this will be one of the first posts in the spring next year.
However, this year I will still feature a few of my father's roses.
Today's Flower Feature is The Rolly Rose.
My grandparents lived beside a man named "Rolly" - he used to walk around his backyard on his hands.  He was amazing!- he never faltered and would walk the perimeter of his property.  As a child I could watch him for hours - I thought that my grandparents lived next to a carnival man (no offense against "carnival people").  This rose was from his property:  Rolly gave my dad a cutting from his rose bush and my dad grew these rosebushes from that cutting (I will share that technique with you in the spring of 2013).  That is why we call this rose the "Rolly Rose."  This rose has the most sweet scent of all of my dad's roses - it is as sweet as candy.  This was the most difficult rose to photograph because it is all the same color - there is no white edge or color variation of any kind.  I noticed that the first and last picture that I included in this post show a little red & pink tints but that's not accurate- it is solid orange (it also didn't help that my parents have an orange brick house - as you can see in the second picture below).

I have just sent you a digital dozen of the "Rolly Rose" - please ENJOY these digital versions of this fantastic flower!


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  1. Such a beautiful flower, and wonderful post.

  2. Beautiful roses! Found you on the Harvest of Friends Weekend Blog Hop and followed. :)

  3. The Rolly Rose is beautiful, and I can't wait till spring 2013 to learn how to cut and grow. What's more, I love the story behind the Rolly Rose. Good stuff. Ending my day with a smile. Thank you. =)

    from Blogging Buddies

  4. Gorgeous. I love that you gave it it's own name too. I think gardens full of flowers from various cuttings make for a far more meaningful garden. Thanks for sharing, and I have followed back :)


  5. That color is outstanding! It's like summer and fall rolled into one! Thanks for linking up on Photo Friday!!! Hope to see you again :) Have a super weekend!

    1. That's true - I never knew how to describe this color but you just did - thanks so much!


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