#32 - Weekly Thankfulness & Growth Report
If you were following this blog in 2015 then you will be familiar with my "365 Days of Being Thankful" challenge. I have missed reporting on my thankfulness since I finished my challenge back in November so I decided to at least give a weekly Thankfulness Report & include a Growth Report also. Growth in our Christian walk, growth in the garden & growth on this blog. Finally, I am also including a "Posts From the Past" feature - ENJOY!

This week I have been thankful for the last summer heat and humidity (well, I think it is the last heat wave) and I am just as thankful for the beginning of Autumn. Most importantly I am thankful for God's healing touch.

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does - comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever." 1 John 2:15 - 17
"The world" can be very tempting and as technology grows, the world seems to ignore God more and more. Technology will pass away as we read in the scripture passage above and most importantly - technology can NEVER give you eternal life.
Read: Love The Father NOT the World

Almost everything has been harvested - we still have two of our potato patches to dig up and of course in a few more weeks we will be harvesting our sweet potatoes.

- Here are my Follower stats:
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That's a grand total of 26,670 followers in some form or another (that's up 45 from last week!).
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Facebook - 4,396
Linky Followers - 108
Networked Blog - 1,212
Activate - 574
That's a grand total of 26,670 followers in some form or another (that's up 45 from last week!).

(click on the title to view the entire post)
Four years ago I had a weekly series called "Frank's Flowers". This series featured some of my dad's beautiful roses that he starts from a rose cutting. Please enjoy the "Rolly" Rose:
Frank's Flowers - The "Rolly" Rose

This week is FAMILY feature week - click HERE to LINK UP & to see who was featured!
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Take Up The THANKFULNESS Challenge!
I challenge you to thank God for something everyday for one year! Either write it down in a diary OR share with us on a blog. If you have a blog & would like to share your THANKFULNESS posts with us, then please fill out this form: 365 Days of Being THANKFUL form - click HERE and you will be added to the THANKFULNESS page.
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