
Friday, May 19, 2017

Flowers by Color - BLUE

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo BlogStuff_zps1lrxrjrp.jpg
Flowers by Color - BLUE

This is a new post series featuring flowers by color.  For the next nine weeks I will pick a different color and share my favorite flowers of that color (these lists are NOT a complete list of all flowers of that color, simply just my favorites).  This week is BLUE flower week.

Certain featured flowers have links to previous posts on this blog - please feel free to click on these links to view the entire posts (they will be how-to-grow or maintenance posts).

Firstly, you will need to know the difference between annual, perennial & biennial:

Annual Plant - completes its lifecycle in one season/year.  By "lifecycle" I mean from germination to seed formation.  Here are some examples of annual plants:  green beans, petunia, sage, sunflower, morning glory and so much more.

Perennial Plant - lives for more than 2 years but produces seed in one season without dying afterward.  Some examples of perennials: most fruit trees like apple, vegetables like asparagus or leeks, day lilies, peonies and so much more.

Biennial Plant - 2 years to complete its lifecycle.  Examples are: parsley, caraway, foxglove, parsnips and so much more.

click HERE to view
This is an annual but blooms all summer long.
As you can see I took these pictures when our Cottonwood trees were shedding their snowlike seeds

Creeping Myrtle
click HERE to view
This is a perennial vine-like plant that will take over if you allow it to do so.
photo 003-001_zps916b0423.jpg

Blue Danube
This is an annual also called "ageratum".  It is very easy to grow (very low maintenance) and will bloom most of the summer.
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF8731_zpsho9lapeg.jpg

Morning Glory
click HERE to view
This is an annual but I always save the seeds to replant each year.  In many areas this is considered a wildflower.  I suggest planting this in an area where it can climb.

This is considered a biennial but is grown like an annual.  The reason is that in the second seed-bearing year the plant loses it's beauty.  These lovely flowers prefer cooler weather.
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo BlogStuff_zpsyf2usjxp.jpg
click HERE to view
This is a culinary herb however, I grow them just for their beautiful flowers.  These flowers can sometimes look a little purple but I see them as more blue than purple.
Sage by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 010_zps3c232913.jpg

This beauty is considered a flowering shrub or small tree.  It is very picky when it comes to soil.  They also require the exact partial shady/sunny spot.  This is NOT an easy one to grow and maintain.
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF0464_zpsm0pcykln.jpg


Recently on "Essential Oil Saturdays"
We learned how essential oils are extracted from flowers/leaves/roots.
Click HERE to read.
Essential Oil Saturdays
Click HERE to view more about Essential Oils

1 comment:

  1. This is so fun! Great idea to combine all the flowers of a single color into one post!


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