
Sunday, September 22, 2019

Psalm 119 - YODH (Hebrew Alphabet)

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo SundayPsalm119YODH_zps4q5mub6b.jpg
YODH - Psalm 119: 73-80

The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119.  If you turn to Psalm 119 in your Bible you will notice that there is a strange word every 8 verses.  These "strange" words are the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.  David wrote this chapter in an acrostic pattern and every letter of the alphabet is followed by 8 verses.  It is a chapter full of praise and worship.  I thought it would be fun to study Psalm 119 by summarizing each alphabetic section in an acrostic format.

I did not know anything about the Hebrew language, so I did a little research.  The Hebrew language is written from the right to the left - opposite of the English language.  There are 22 letters to the Hebrew alphabet.  Today we continue studying with the tenth letter YODH.
I am also NOT a poet, so I had to research what an acrostic pattern meant.
An Acrostic Poem - is a poem where certain letters in each line spell out a word or phrase.
Example below.
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo SundayPsalm119_zpszhagaoxw.jpg

YODH - Your hands made me and formed me, when I'm afflicted you help and comfort me.

The breakdown of these featured verses is simple:
God personally made each one of us and therefore will take care of us.
Let's flip forward a few chapters in the book of Psalm to chapter 139 verses 13-16:

photo SundayWomb_zpsk82hpvwg.jpg
Please click HERE to read:
"Living a Childless Life - #UnbornLivesMatter"

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo SundayPsalm119YODH2_zpsywxnemk3.jpg

In these few verses we see that 
God gives us:

"..for I have put my HOPE in your word" (verse 74)

Hope will sustain us through the difficult times and lasts into the future (forever).  Hope gives us a feeling of trust (in God).

"May your UNFAILING LOVE be my COMFORT, according to your PROMISE to your servant." (verse 76)

I just love the phrase "unfailing love".  There isn't any situation, any timeframe or any amount where God's love would fail - UNFAILING means that God's Love will NEVER fail.  Since God's love will never fail also means that it is for EVERYONE.
Comfort - the easing or alleviation of a person's feelings of grief or distress.
This means that God's unfailing love will always comfort us - all we have to do is accept it.
God's promise is so wonderful!  He has given us grace & mercy through Jesus Christ so that we might have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life with Him!

"Let your COMPASSION come to me that I may live, for your law is my delight" (verse 77)

The definition of compassion - sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
and the definition of delight - great pleasure, happiness, joy, glee, gladness

Let's live our lives filled and overflowing with God's unfailing love!


Take Up The THANKFULNESS Challenge!
I challenge you to thank God for something everyday for one year!  Either write it down in a diary OR share with us on a blog.  If you have a blog & would like to share your THANKFULNESS posts with us, then please fill out this form: 365 Days of Being THANKFUL form - click HERE and you will be added to the THANKFULNESS page.


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