"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart." Jeremiah 1:5
I have lived a "Childless" life not because that is what I desired, rather because it just happened that way. I was married in my mid 20's and then every time we thought we were getting settled - a crisis would arise: health issues including cancer and cardiac disorders, parents-in-law getting ill at the same time (one with cancer and the other with Alzheimer's), etc....and now I'm in my 40's. I did NOT plan for all of this to happen - it just did.
You see, God has been in control of my life all along! God knew that I would not have been able to handle taking care of children when my husband was going through chemo therapy. And - God also knew that we would not have been able to move into my in-law's house to take care of them if we had had children. God is in control and has a purpose for everything - even a "Childless Life."
This is the seventh post in a Series on "Living a Childless Life" and today we focus on the life of the unborn "#UnbornLivesMatter."

This past week was the "March for Life" in Washington D.C. Even as a "Childless" woman I am appalled at the mindset of those who believe that life does not begin at conception.
Just looking at science alone should be proof enough (the following information was taken from online research):
- A new zygote (fertilized egg) has it's own HUMAN DNA as soon as the male gamete (germ cell) joins (fertilizes) with the female gamete. This DNA is totally different from the mother or father - a unique human.
- On day 20 the heart is in advanced stages of being formed
- The heartbeat starts on day 24 (that's less than 1 month of pregnancy!)
- By day 28 the first neocortical cell is formed (these are the brain cells responsible for complex thinking and reasoning)
- On day 43 brain waves can be recorded
- By day 56 the fingerprints are detailed and the preborn baby's palms are sensitive to touch
- Facial expressions begin on the 77th day and also taste buds are developed
This is all developed before the second trimester of pregnancy even begins!
The fact that a new zygote has it's own human DNA should prove that human life begins at conception. If 50 year old "cold cases" (old crime cases) can be solved by using forensic evidence using human DNA testing, then why doesn't this same DNA prove that a fetus is human life??????
Please watch the video below:
A special thanks to "Eddie Talavera" for sharing this with us on YouTube
Studies show that an unborn baby starts to feel pain at week#20 - that means many aborted babies are feeling everything that is happening to them during that abortion. In my opinion this is like a pre-infantile holocaust occurring here in the U.S.A. Especially since there are over 600,000 abortions performed each year in America.
Please watch the entire video below - Gianna Jessen's birth mother tried to abort her when her mother was 7 months pregnant - Gianna survived!!
Studies show that an unborn baby starts to feel pain at week#20 - that means many aborted babies are feeling everything that is happening to them during that abortion. In my opinion this is like a pre-infantile holocaust occurring here in the U.S.A. Especially since there are over 600,000 abortions performed each year in America.
Please watch the entire video below - Gianna Jessen's birth mother tried to abort her when her mother was 7 months pregnant - Gianna survived!!
A special thanks to "Jennifer Johnson" for sharing this with us on YouTube
In this modern society it seems as if animal life is valued more than human life. It is also just as senseless to claim that a fetus is not human life but then turn around and use these unborn baby parts in medical research!
Please watch the following video:
In this modern society it seems as if animal life is valued more than human life. It is also just as senseless to claim that a fetus is not human life but then turn around and use these unborn baby parts in medical research!
Please watch the following video:
A special thanks to "SenatorLankford" for sharing this with us on YouTube

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The Pretty Pintastic Party
Over the Moon Party
LouLou Girls Party
Tuesdays with a Twist
Homemade & Handcrafted
Friday Feature Linky Party
May God give you the courage to research every aspect of the fetus and truly face any consequences that might come from honestly taking this topic seriously. Don't be fooled by deceivers.
This is an article detailing a new bill: "Bill banning abortion from baby's first heartbeat introduced in U.S. Congress" by Claire Chretien - click HERE to view
This is an article detailing a new bill: "Bill banning abortion from baby's first heartbeat introduced in U.S. Congress" by Claire Chretien - click HERE to view
Other "Living a Childless Life" Posts:
Dealing with Jealousy
Dealing with Insults
Dealing with Loneliness
Dealing with Regret
Dealing with Imagination
Dealing with Guilt
Dealing with Jealousy
Dealing with Insults
Dealing with Loneliness
Dealing with Regret
Dealing with Imagination
Dealing with Guilt

Linked to:
The Pretty Pintastic Party
Over the Moon Party
LouLou Girls Party
Tuesdays with a Twist
Homemade & Handcrafted
Friday Feature Linky Party
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