Sunday, July 24, 2011

Don't Look Back While Plowing

Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the service in the kingdom of God."  Luke 9:62

Have you ever tried to make a line in the ground (where you are going to plant something) and keep turning around and looking back behind you?  It's impossible and really does make a laughable crooked mess.

This verse says 2 things to me:

1.  The main thing is TRUST.  I'm talking about trust in God.  So many times throughout my life I have said "Why do you want me to do this Lord?" or "Why am I being treated this way?" (on and on and on).  I don't have to know WHY - I just have to trust Him.  As my 6 year old niece just recently said: "God knows what He's doing."  We don't have to know because He knows - all we have to do is trust, follow and act.

2.  If you dwell on the past then you forget to live in the present.  Looking back while plowing a line in the garden makes a mess and focusing on the past makes a jumble of our present life and our future life.  God will not be glorified in our lives if we are centered around the past instead of being centered around our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ.

Lord help us to trust you more and more each day so that we will become good and faithful servants.

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