Welcome to the 77th Old Fashioned Sunday Hymn Sing!
I miss the old hymns that I remember from my childhood - there were no drums, no electric guitar and no mind numbing beat. It was just voices and maybe a piano or an organ. The choir led the congregation in singing - and the words of these hymns are poetic. I realize that there is a need for the modern "seeker oriented" worship music - but it is also necessary to have deeper songs (no offense intended to anyone who prefers the newer church songs).
I miss the old hymns that I remember from my childhood - there were no drums, no electric guitar and no mind numbing beat. It was just voices and maybe a piano or an organ. The choir led the congregation in singing - and the words of these hymns are poetic. I realize that there is a need for the modern "seeker oriented" worship music - but it is also necessary to have deeper songs (no offense intended to anyone who prefers the newer church songs).
I decided to have an "Old Fashion Sunday Hymn Sing" once a month on this blog.
I personally do NOT have a great singing voice - I used to play the guitar & piano but my voice is NOT an instrument. That's the great thing about this digital hymn sing, you can warble along without being embarrassed or without offending anyone else.
The hymns that we will be studying are taken from an old hymnal from a Baptist church that is no longer in existence - "The North American Hymnal" published in 1956 by "THE ROGER WILLIAMS PRESS"
Today's featured hymn is "Sound the Battle Cry" written & composed by William F. Sherman (1826-1888).
Today's featured author and composer was born in Massachusetts and studied music under a "Dr. Mason". Soon afterward, he became a vocal music teacher in the states of Massachusetts and New York. He had a soft spot for Sunday School and composed hymns and carols with that in mind.
Our featured song today is about becoming a Christian Soldier (Ephesians 6:11-18)
Previous series on
Becoming a Christian Soldier
(click on each title below to view the entire post)

"4 Ways To STAND"
I have included 2 versions of this lovely hymn (below the lyrics). Enjoy!
Turn with me to number 346 in your hymnals and let's sing:
Sound the Battle Cry
written & composed by William F. Sherman (1826-1888)
1. Sound the battle cry! See, the foe is nigh; Raise the standard high For the Lord; Gird your armor on, Stand firm, every one; Rest your cause upon His holy word.
2. I will tell the wondrous story, How my lost estate to save, In His boundless love and mercy, He the ransom freely gave.
3. I will praise my dear Redeemer, His triumphant power I'll tell, How the victory He giveth Over sin, and death and hell.
Rouse, then, soldiers, rally round the banner, Ready, steady, pass the word along; Onward, forward, shout aloud Hosanna! Christ is Captain of the mighty throng.
Rouse, then, soldiers, rally round the banner, Ready, steady, pass the word along; Onward, forward, shout aloud Hosanna! Christ is Captain of the mighty throng.
A special thanks to "Glorious Sound - Topic" for sharing this with us!
Other Hymns on this blog:
My Redeemer
O For a Closer Walk With Thee
He Keeps Me Singing
Open My Eyes That I May See
He Is Able To Deliver Thee
Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy
I Know Whom I Have Believed
His Way With Thee
The Haven of Rest
Unto the Hills Around Do I Lift Up
For the Beauty of the Earth
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O For a Closer Walk With Thee
He Keeps Me Singing
Open My Eyes That I May See
He Is Able To Deliver Thee
Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy
I Know Whom I Have Believed
His Way With Thee
The Haven of Rest
Unto the Hills Around Do I Lift Up
For the Beauty of the Earth
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I love the old hymns, too. My daughter gave me such a surprised look when they played Amazing Grace at my mother's funeral. It is our favorite song, too. Well, how else did it get to be my fave at first. My poor kids put up with my very off key singing on the morning ride to the babysitter's (they're 37 and 35 now!).