Each month this little Large Mouth BASS will feature 1 item from my Etsy shop, talk about one of my ebooks and feature some affiliate Ads/Websites
Easter is in April & I am featuring:
Dapper Easter Bunny "Gourd Belly" Rabbit $27.00 plus shipping
EASTER GOURD BELLIES are Easter baskets from God's garden. -
Open the bobble head bunny (opens at the waistline - Do NOT pull from the head) -
Fill with Easter treats -
Close and then hide-
The Easter Hunt begins
Children love searching for these characters.
Use year after year
Both the head and the body (or belly) are made from gourds that I grew in my garden. I painted this Dapper Easter Bunny. He is wearing his Easter Sunday best (I made out of material scraps). He has a bowtie, a little hat and suspenders.
The head is also a "bobble head."
Do NOT pull by the head when opening - it opens at the wasteline.
Easter is in April & I am featuring:
Dapper Easter Bunny "Gourd Belly" Rabbit $27.00 plus shipping

EASTER GOURD BELLIES are Easter baskets from God's garden. -
Open the bobble head bunny (opens at the waistline - Do NOT pull from the head) -
Fill with Easter treats -
Close and then hide-
The Easter Hunt begins
Children love searching for these characters.
Use year after year
Both the head and the body (or belly) are made from gourds that I grew in my garden. I painted this Dapper Easter Bunny. He is wearing his Easter Sunday best (I made out of material scraps). He has a bowtie, a little hat and suspenders.
The head is also a "bobble head."
Do NOT pull by the head when opening - it opens at the wasteline.
Wouldn't it be great to have fresh homemade cookies waiting for your children when they come home from school?
Try these totally original and scrumptious recipes in my ebook!!
Learn how to make money selling at Craft Shows - Click Here!
Crafts to Make & Sell Click Here!
The Home Craft Business: How to Make It Survive & Thrive Click Here!
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