Sunday, March 18, 2018


by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo SundaySowGood_zpsqgufqdgh.jpg

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo SundayPARABLE_zpskg749l78.jpg 

"The Parable of the Sower" is about faith & unbelief.  It's about sharing our faith with others and dealing with the trials and tribulations that come along with witnessing.  We are all part of God's Growing Garden and the types of seeds that we are planting in His garden are:  grace, mercy and forgiveness.

In this Parable there are 4 different ways to receive the gospel or 4 different sorts of people who come in contact with the gospel.  Today we will be focusing on the seeds sown on good soil.

The seed is always the same:  the gospel is the seed, which is the saving grace and mercy of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  The soil types are different.  I was going to say that we are the soil but I think that the environment that we live in is the soil.  Once this seed sprouts and a plant appears - this symbolizes our birth as a Christian.  How that plant continues to grow is the type of believer that we become.  Together we are all part of the garden which is the family of God.

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo SundaySowGood2_zps9pqowis1.jpg

ON GOOD SOILThis seed has fallen on good soil - the perfect spot in the garden with the best sun exposure; the ideal moisture availability and the correct soil type.  This is the type of person that is responsive, hears, understands and is transformed by the Word of God.

I find the numbers that are used in these verses very interesting:  "yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."  Wow - that is exponential!  Just think about 1 sunflower - one flower head can produce hundreds of seeds.  By the next year, (with perfect soil and weather conditions) you could have 100 sunflowers and then the year after that it could be 100 times 100!!  That's how it is with us - sharing God's love - planting that seed - we could be planting 100 times 100 believers! 

Sunflowers are one of my favorite types of flowers - they literally grow towards the sun......we as Christians are like sunflowers - growing towards the Son.
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo SundayGrowSon_zpspw7qn9wj.jpg
You can be the tall, strong & bold sunflower growing among the thorns, stones & pathways - spreading seeds for miles and miles.

Previous PARABLE posts:
PARABLE OF THE VINE - "The True Vine & the Father Gardener"
PARABLE OF THE VINE - "Be a Fruitful Branch Instead of a Withering Branch"
PARABLE OF THE VINE - "Producing Joyful Fruit - God's Love Remains Forever"
PARABLE OF THE VINE - "Everlasting Fruit & Everlasting Friends"
The Prodigal Son PARABLE - The Son Who Ran Away
The Prodigal Son PARABLE - The Son Who Stayed Home
PARABLE of The Good Samaritan - Love God First

PARABLE of the Good Samaritan - Love Others
PARABLE of the Sower - Along the Pathway

PARABLE of the Sower - On Rocky Places
PARABLE of the Sower - Seeds Among Thorns

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