Spring Cleaning Our Personality - ENVY
Springtime is here and this is the season where most people "spring clean" their homes, their yards, their offices and their diet - what about our personality? Shouldn't this also be a time when we try to clean up our life? If you observe Lent, then maybe you do something similar but we are going to concentrate our cleaning on specific characteristics. Recently, we took a break from this Spring Cleaning series to focus on COVID19/Coronavirus
(click HERE to view "COVID-19 Coronavirus Common Sense & CALM)
But now we will continue focusing on getting rid of these 5 bad personality traits: Malice, Deceit, Hypocrisy, Envy and Slander.
Today, we continue our cleaning with the definition of ENVY
Envy - a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.
Synonyms (mean the same) of ENVY - jealousy, resentment, green-eyed monster, covetousness, prejudice
Springtime is here and this is the season where most people "spring clean" their homes, their yards, their offices and their diet - what about our personality? Shouldn't this also be a time when we try to clean up our life? If you observe Lent, then maybe you do something similar but we are going to concentrate our cleaning on specific characteristics. Recently, we took a break from this Spring Cleaning series to focus on COVID19/Coronavirus
(click HERE to view "COVID-19 Coronavirus Common Sense & CALM)
But now we will continue focusing on getting rid of these 5 bad personality traits: Malice, Deceit, Hypocrisy, Envy and Slander.
Today, we continue our cleaning with the definition of ENVY
Envy - a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.
Synonyms (mean the same) of ENVY - jealousy, resentment, green-eyed monster, covetousness, prejudice
When envy enters our heart, we are only thinking about ourselves. You can't covet something that someone else owns if you are putting that other person ahead of yourself. Envy is selfish and evil.

Read the following Passages showing the evil of envy:
Romans 1:28-32 (About sinful humanity)
"They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of ENVY...." (vs 29)
Mark 7:20-23 (Speaking about that which defiles)
" For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—..............., ENVY, ........." (vs 21)
Galatians 5:19-26 (Acts of the flesh followed by the Fruit of the Spirit)
" The acts of the flesh are obvious: ..............and ENVY; ...............and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God." (vs 19-21)

How do we stop envy? - with LOVE.
Read the following Passages showing that the solution is love:
Philippians 1:15-16 (When preaching about Christ)
"It is true that some preach Christ out of ENVY and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The latter do so out of LOVE,............" (vs 15)
Titus 3:3-7 (Speaking about our old self and our new self)
"We lived in malice and ENVY, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and LOVE of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy." (vs 4)

1 Timothy 6:3-6
"If anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, they are conceited and understand nothing. They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.
But godliness with contentment is great gain."
Goodwill, friendliness and love will wash away all envy!
Other posts in this Spring Cleaning series:
Get Rid of All MALICE
Get Rid of All DECEIT
Get Rid of All HYPOCRISY
Get Rid of All SLANDER
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