Friday, June 28, 2013

Co-Hosting "Aloha Friday" Blog Hop week#4 with Giveaway!

I've had so much fun co-hosting this wonderful blog hop!  We're celebrating the last week of June with a Giveaway - Please enter to win!

Also, there is still 1 week left to enter the 3 Giveaways that I have going on here on God's Growing Garden -
Please click HERE to enter those Giveaways also!

Happy Aloha Friday!

Meet Your Hosts!
Hey there people and a very Happy Aloha Friday to you all! Welcome to the most hoppingest of all hops - The Aloha Friday Hop :)
We have a great team for June - I know you're going to love them! Just don't forget to head down to the linky to click and follow them when you link up your own lovely blogs :) Our hosts and co-hosts links are always the first you will see, so it's easy for you to click and follow.
Aloha Hoapili Grab a button and link up below! If you'd like a different sized button click here.
Don't worry if you already have Jean's lovely Aloha buttons on your blogs - switch if you'd like to. Or choose one of Jean's buttons here.
The rules are the same as before and are posted below. The Aloha Hop is one of the most hoppingest hops of the week, attracting over 400 linkups on the regular. Let's keep that blogging tradition going people!

If you'd like to host future Aloha Hops with us then please get in touch at our swanky new email address 
We're all set for July with lots of lovely co-hosts but feel free to get in touch about August onwards. We have two spots open for August at the present time. If you were down to co-host July check your spam folder as I sent out a request for details today :)
The rules
If you'd like to spread the love even more, why not tweet and twitter all about it? Just click the pic below :)

Tweet this Hop

Here's the extra special addition to our lovely hop. It's an oh-so-easy opportunity for you lovely participants of the Aloha Friday Blog hop to get some exposure to your blogs!!  What do  you have to do to enter?  Just link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop Below!! It's that easy!!  No extra forms or hassle, just link up!  Each week we will pick a linker to featured at random and invite you all to say ...
Aloha Hoapili Grab a button if you were featured this week!

Aloha Hoapili translates as Hello Close Friend. So, without further ado let me introduce you to this week's featured friend ...

Sarah blogs all about being a newlywed mama and a military wife. Want a little taste of her blog? Check out these posts to find out what you've been missing:
Our June Giveaway!

As it's the end of June our lovely June hop team wanted to go out with a bang by hosting a giveaway for you. Have a look at the lovely prizes on offer above, then enter to win via the Rafflectopter below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now let's start hoppin'! Click on the links in the linky to visit some lovely bloggers and make new friends. Oh, and don't forget to link up yourselves!

Aloha and have a great day people!



  1. Thanks a lot for co-hosting! Have a great weekend.

    1. And thank you for participating! - Have a great weekend too!

  2. Happy Aloha Friday and Happy Summer to all! Thanks for doing the Aloha Blog Hop/Link up :-) Stop by for a visit when ya can!

    1. Thanks - I did & am following your lovely blog back!

  3. New follower here and first time doing the Aloha Blog hop. Glad to have found your site, my garden could use some inspiration and some help!

  4. I'm a new follower. :)
    Would you follow me back please. :)

    Thank you so much for hosting this blog hop.! :)

    1. Thanks so much! - I'm following your lovely blog back!

  5. Thanks a lot for co-hosting Aloha Friday.I am already a GFC follower & now joined with Pinterest...
    Have a Great Weekend!


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.

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