#97 - Weekly Thankfulness & Growth Report
If you were following this blog in 2015 then you will be familiar with my "365 Days of Being Thankful" challenge. I have missed reporting on my thankfulness since I finished my challenge 2 years ago, so I decided to at least give a weekly Thankfulness Report & include a Growth Report also. Growth in our Christian walk, growth in the garden & growth on this blog. Finally, I am also including a "Posts From the Past" feature - ENJOY!

This week I have been thankful that God protected my family from Wintry weather. I am thankful for delicious food and a warm home. I am most thankful that God sent His only Son to earth so that we all might have eternal life.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:1-2
This post was from a New Years Day many years ago but the message remains the same.
Read: Starting a New Race

Seed catalogs are arriving weekly - we are starting to plan our garden for 2018.

- Here are my Follower stats:
GFC (Google Friends Connect) - 2,255Bloglovin - 4,410
Twitter - 6,984
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Linky Followers - 108
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That's a grand total of 29,061 followers in some form or another (which is up 50 from last week).
Google+ - 2,278
Facebook - 4,473
Instagram - 559
Linky Followers - 108
Networked Blog - 1,241
Activate - 574
That's a grand total of 29,061 followers in some form or another (which is up 50 from last week).

(click on the title to view the entire post)
About 5 years ago I did a series on "egg basics". One of the easiest and most delicious ways to prepare eggs:
Egg Basics - POACHED

This week is EXTRA feature week - click HERE to LINK UP & you might just be featured next month!
Click the button below to enter the Great Giveaways going on now!!:

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Take Up The THANKFULNESS Challenge!
I challenge you to thank God for something everyday for one year! Either write it down in a diary OR share with us on a blog. If you have a blog & would like to share your THANKFULNESS posts with us, then please fill out this form: 365 Days of Being THANKFUL form - click HERE and you will be added to the THANKFULNESS page.
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