Trains are cool even to Sheldon Cooper the Ph.D Theoretical Physicist from the TV Show "Big Bang Theory" - hahaha- see video below ;-)
A special thanks to "YoureInMySpotFBPAGE" for posting this video on YouTube
The Giveaway Winner is: B.O.
(I have contacted that person by email)
Since there are 3 Rules I decided that I will "Pin" my 3 favorite boxcars from each Blog Train every month.
Visit my "Great Blog Train" Pinterest Board to see if your boxcar is one of my top 3 picks!!
The next "Great Blog Train" will be departing from your local digital train station on November 6th, 2013 - I hope that you will join us!
And don't forget - next month the October "Caboose" will be featured on all 5 of the Hostesses blogs!

LOVE Sheldon :) Thanks for a great train ride every month!